Vegan Oatmeal Banana Pancakes

So these vegan, oatmeal banana pancakes are simple to make & a family favourite. My kids love to ask for these as a treat (but just between you and me, they are not a treat at all… they are full on healthy)!! You can adjust the ingredients to whatever fruit you have in the house. That’s right, fruit. I like to use good old whole fruit in these banana oatmeal pancakes. Some people like to use apple sauce & orange juice, but seriously, who has apple sauce in their cupboard? Not me!! So this is my take on some fluffy, vegan, banana oatmeal pancakes… See below how I throw these ingredients in the blender and cook away…

Picture of vegan oatmeal banana pancakes on a white plate, with maple syrup & a strawberry on top.

This recipe does not need anything fancy, & if you don’t have an ingredient, substitute it, or leave it out!!

So to make the oatmeal banana pancakes, all you need is the following:

Picture of oats in a bowl, vanilla extract in a bottle, peeled orange, peeled banana, chopped apple, flaxmeal in a tablespoon, and some cinnamon & baking soda in a small bowl, all placed on a chopping board
  • Oats – rolled oats – I like to use Australian Red Tractor Oats (
  • Baking powder
  • Cinnamon – from Sri Lanka if possible
  • Flaxseed meal (or chia seed) – optional
  • Vanilla extract
  • Banana
  • Apple/pear -skin on
  • Orange – peeled
  • Plant-based milk

How to make the Vegan, Oatmeal Banana Pancakes:

Start by putting the oats, baking powder, flaxmeal & cinnamon into the blender and blend until the oats are finely chopped up into a powder.

Oatmeal blended into a fine powder

Then add the fruit, vanilla extract & half of the milk into the blender. You may not need all the milk as it depends how much fruit you use. The more juicy the fruit, the less milk you need to add.

Orange, apple, banana and milk, all on top of the blended oatmeal in the blender.

Then blend blend blend until its all mixed together. Add more milk if you need too, to make it a thick but not too runny mixture.

All the ingredients blended in the blender

Heat up a fry pan onto a medium heat with a spray of oil. I like to use coconut oil but you can use whatever you like. Even butter works well. Pour out the mixture onto the heated pan, & thin them out slightly so that they cook evenly. Cook them on a medium heat for about 3minutes & then flip.

three pancakes cooking on the fry pan

Finally, serve the pancakes with your topping of choice. I like to use maple syrup, jam or just some more fruit… so there you have it… Vegan, oatmeal banana pancakes that are full of all the goodness that will keep the kids full till morning tea time & it is one way to get sneaky fruit & whole grains into their morning meal.

Picture of vegan oatmeal banana pancakes on a white plate, with maple syrup & a strawberry on top.

Vegan, Oatmeal Banana Pancakes

This is such a simple & delicious recipe that has pleased everyone that has tried it… especially my kids. They always request this for breakfast & its simple to whip together in no time. The kids also love to help make it & put all the ingredients into the blender.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast
Servings 3 kids


  • 1 Blender
  • 1 Fry Pan


  • cups Rolled Oats
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 tbsp Flaxmeal
  • 1 orange, peeled
  • 1 apple/pear cored, skin on
  • 1 banana peeled
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ cup plant-based milk
  • Spray of oil or butter
  • toppings of your choice


  • Place all the dry ingredients into a blender & blend into a fine powder.
  • Add the fruit, vanilla extract & half of the milk.
  • Blend & then continue to add milk until it is a thick but still a runny consistency.
  • Heat up the fry pan to a medium heat & add a spray of oil/butter if needed.
  • Place pancake batter on the fry pan (best to keep on the thinner side so that it cooks evenly) & heat through, then flip to other side until cooked.
  • Once cooked, serve on a plate with your topping of choice.


NB:  The fruit in this recipe is very flexible.  You can use whatever you have in the fridge.  I’ve used blueberry’s, strawberry’s, & even peaches.  The more fruit you add, the less milk you need.   

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