The Best Low Calorie, Savoury Breakfast Oats

Sometimes I don’t want sweet for breakfast, I just want something savoury. I want to get those extra veggies in, so might as well start the day with getting my quota of vegetables. To be honest, this recipe took me awhile to want to try. But once I did, I have not looked back. I just feel amazing after I eat this and it keeps me full for ages.

picture of savoury oats with zuchinni, mushroom, broccoli & cauliflower

This recipe is so quick and simple. It has you getting your vegetables in that are totally flexible, I you can just use what you have in the fridge.


  • Oats – whole oats are best
  • Vegetables – I like to use mushroom, zuchinni, broccoli, cauliflower and spinach. When I meal prep, I like to boil/steam a whole cauliflower and broccoli and leave it in the fridge ready for breakfast. You could even pre-cut your zuchinni & mushrooms if your in a hurry in the morning.
  • Seeds – flaxmeal, hemp seeds & Chia seeds (these are optional but I add them to all my porridge recipes)
  • Nutritional Yeast – Also known as vegan cheese. This gives dishes their cheese flavour. You can get it at your local supermarket
  • Turmeric – we all know the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, so make so you get the best quality you can get.

To get started, I like to cook the porridge with the seeds and in water. Its less calories and you don’t need the milk. You can always add more water if you find it’s thickening up too quickly or add milk at the end if you want it slightly creamy.

Then onces its started to thicken up, you can add the vegetables. I like my veggies a little crunchy, so this works best for me. You can add them earlier, or even cook them before adding them to the oats. Just fry them in water in the fry pan.

Once it is nearly ready, add the nutritional yeast and turmeric and mix together. This will turn the porridge into a beautiful yellow colour. Just add extra water as you need.

To serve, I like to add some hot sauce. Yep you heard me, hot sauce. I like to mix it up between sriracha and Franks Hot sauce depending on what I’m feeling.

Low Calorie Savoury Oats

Quick and simple morning oats to get you started the right way with vegetables and some hot sauce… Once you try it, you wont look back.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast
Servings 1 person


  • Stove


  • 1/3 cup whole oats
  • 1 tsp Chia seeds, flaxmeal & hempseeds optional
  • 2 cups vegetables eg. zuchinni, mushroom, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, I like to precook the broccoli & cauliflower
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric try to get good quality turmeric
  • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 2/3 cup water
  • hot sauce eg. sriracha or cayenne pepper sauce


  • Place oats & seeds into a pot, add water to cover
  • Cook until oats are cooked and there is no liquid left (you may need to add more if it is not cooked enough).
  • Then add the vegetables with some more splashes of water until they cooked through to your liking, I like my zuchinni and mushroom abit crunchy.
  • Add the turmeric & the nutritional yeast with some more water if required.
  • If you like it abit creamy, you can add some plant based milk here.
  • Add hot sauce on top and enjoy…


NB:  You can add any vegetables like such as leek, pumpkin, cabbage, capsicum or carrot… Feel free to pre-cook them, grate them or finely dice.  Have play to what works best for you. 
I find that it is best to cook the oats first, otherwise it just doesn’t seem to cook very well if the vegetables are added at the beginning. 

NB. You can add any vegetables that you like, precooked pumkin, potato, leek or kale.

Just double the oats and vegetables for more people. This is a hit in our house.

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