Nut free, Apricot & Dark Chocolate Muesli Bar


These bars are amazing and taste just like the Cookie Time Bumper Bars from NZ (if you have ever tried them)! Except, they don’t have the added calories. They are made with no oil, no butter, no added sugar and use just the sweetness from the dried apricots & dates. They are simple and quick to make, so kids can help out too…

This recipe is so simple and just taste amazing! You will need the following ingredients:

  • Oats – whole oats are best. I like to blend them slightly to break up some parts so that it is not too crunchy.
  • Dried Apricots – I like to use organic, Australian dried apricots. They just taste so much better. But use what you have available.
  • Dried Medjool dates – with the seed removed – have you ever tried these? OMG they are a game changer. They taste amazing. I use them all the time and they work wonders in this recipe.
  • Currants or sultanas – I like to use organic currants. They are delicious. But again, if you don’t have or like them, then just leave them out.
  • Desiccated Coconut – you can use shredded if you like some bite to your slice, but I prefer it blended in.
  • Chiaseed, Hemp seeds & Flaxmeal – these are not essential but I like to add them for their health benefits. The flaxmeal and chia seed also help to bind the slice together but like I said, if you don’t have them, you can leave it out.
  • 70% Dark Chocolate – you can add whatever chocolate you like. Sometimes I add white chocolate too when I want to change it up. Or use a mixture of chocolate. It all works well.

Firstly, remove the seeds from the dates, and then place the dried apricots and dates into boiling water. They will need to soak for about 10min. Make sure you do not throw away the water. This will come in handy at the end.

Pulse all the dry ingredients until it breaks up some of the oats and combines it all together. Then place the dry ingredients into a bowl and blend up the soaking dry fruits with half of the water. (NB. Make sure to keep the other half of the water). This should make a paste. I like to leave some chunks in there for delicious surprises in the slice. This mixture alone is mouth watering. Try not to lick the bowl.

Chop up the chocolate and add it to the dry ingredients along with the currants and blended fruit. Mix it together with a spoon. If the mixture is too dry, add some of the water leftover from soaking the dates and dried apricots until the mixture can easily bind together. Feel free to taste it here, its delicious.

Place the mixture into a tin with baking paper on the bottom and flatten it out firmly until it is even. Then place it in the oven at 180deg for 20min. Check on it at 15min to make sure it is not burning. It should be nice and brown on the edges when it is ready.

Allow to cool in the pan. Once it is cooled, melt the chocolate using a double boiler. Then sprinkle it over the top of the slice to create lines. Or you can just pour it over. Up to you. You can sprinkle some nuts or coconut on the chocolate to make it look fancy… Place into the fridge to harden and then chop it up and dig in!! Its amazing! I make this weekly in my house!

Full recipe coming soon….

Nut Free, Apricot & Dark Chocolate Muesli Bar

This is a delicious lunch box friendly muesli bar that has all the flavour without the added sugar. Its simple to make and will keep everyone in the family happy.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Course Snack
Servings 12 serves


  • Blender
  • Oven


  • 3/4 cup dried apricots (I like Australian)
  • 1/4 cup Medjool dates seeds removed
  • 2 cups whole oats I like to blend them slightly to break it up
  • 1/2 cup desiccated coconut you can also use shredded
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds, flaxmeal & hempseeds optional
  • 1/2 cup currants or sultanas optional
  • 1/2 cup Dark chocolate 70% roughly chopped, plus extra for on top optional


  • Turn the oven on to 180deg and line a 20cmx20cm tray with baking paper.
  • Cover the dates & dried apricots with boiling water and let sit for 10min
  • Place oats, coconut and seeds (if using) into blender and pulse until it is slightly chopped up.
  • Remove oat mixture and place into a mixing bowl.
  • Blend the apricots & dates with half of the water it was soaking in. Keep the other half for later
  • Then mix the blended apricots with the oats. If it looks too dry, add some of the soaking water.
  • Add in the chocolate & currants and mix
  • Place into prepared tray and push down with a spoon until it is even
  • Cook in the oven for 20-25min, or until lightly brown on top. Allow to cool in the tray
  • Once cooled, melt the left over chocolate in a broiler, and then sprinkle on top. Place in the fridge to harden. Chop into serve size pieces.


NB:  You can add different flavoured chocolate, or dried fruit.  Swap it up to make it interesting.  
If you like nuts, feel free to add them, chopped up almonds, or walnuts would be delicious. 

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