Hi, I’m Sarah!

Welcome to Garden to Grub… so glad you have found my quiet (yet veggie packed) corner of the internet!

I created this corner for many reasons, but mainly to help mothers make delicious recipes, filled with fruit & vegetables that even the fussiest of children will eat. The recipes are full of flavour & whats most important, family friendly! Since having two children, I have delved into the world of plant-based eating, which involves eating more fruit, vegetables, legumes & wholegrains. This has resulted in my children eating more fruit & vegetables at each meal & I want to share how I do this with you! My recipes are very flexible because if your partner is anything like mine, he still loves his meat, therefore I am always coming up with ways to keep everyone happy (including the kids…) whilst giving them all the garden grub nourishment they need…

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, subscribe below:

My Mission

My mission is to help busy Mum’s make delicious, easy & flexible recipes that will help their children to eat more fruit & vegetables by making one adjustable meal for the whole family. ”   

What you will find on the Garden to Grub blog….

Here, I will be posting delicious, simple recipes (such as my veggie fried rice) that we eat regularly in our house, by the whole family (including the kids). The recipes are filled with hidden (& plain visible) fruit & vegetables. You will find things from breakfast (oatmeal pancakes) to dinner, snacks (chocolate, date energy balls) to sauces & desserts to dips. There will be meal prep ideas & ways to throw quick meals together with what you have in the fridge. I will be educating you on great books to read & reliable resources to educate you on why it is important to eat more fruit & vegetables, not only for your health, but also for the environment. I’m very committed to living a sustainable life for the future of my children & feel that plant-based eating (ie. eating more fruit & vegetables) aligns with these values.

If this sounds like you & your interests, your in the right place!!

I am so glad you are here!!

Subscribe now if you would like weekly inspiration of veggie packed meals to your inbox.

All about me, Sarah Mahon, founder of Garden to Grub…

So, if your interested, I live in Melbourne Australia, I am a mother of two beautiful children, plant-based eater, avid exerciser, lover of all feeding my children lots of fruit & vegetables, physiotherapist, acupuncturist, Pilates instructor & blogger!! I am proud to say that my two children actually request more broccoli & cauliflower at dinner… I started this blog, as many of my friends & family were always interested in the way I eat & wanted to try my recipes. I want to educate & build a community of people who love eating vegetable rich meals, & see how easy it is to get more fruit & vegetables in each meal without feeling like your missing out.

I have been living & thriving off plants for the past 6 years. I love coming up with new recipes & trying new foods that are full of flavour that leave you feeling full. My partner loves eating meat, which means that my recipes are flexible & easily adjusted to add meat if you are that way inclined.

Why I started eating more fruit & vegetables:

I was a vegetarian for most of my teenage years after watching a big truck drive past full of sheep. It was a hot day in Melbourne, & I remember feeling so sorry for the sheep, jammed into the truck, then off to be slaughtered. It just didn’t seem right to me. So at the age of 14, I became a red meat vegetarian (only because I didn’t want to inconvenience my family too much being full vegetarian… yes you guessed it, I’m a people pleaser, but don’t worry, I am working on it!). I was vegetarian for 5years but then I was diagnosed with extremely low in B12. I decided to eat meat again to fix this (yes forehead slap I know). I then turned into a meat eating machine. I loved it. I ate it whenever I could… I lived in New Zealand at the time & they know how to cook good meat … yum!! chop suey… hangi… paua patties & lets not forget, fish & chips… Until 2016, I was introduced to a book by one of my mates, 365 Days of Wholeness… & I never looked back.

picture of the book 365 days of wholeness - picture on book is of the authors of the book dressed in white tshirts & jeans, sitting on a wooden floor.

Since then, I have been educating myself (& others) on the benefits of plant-based diet, & have found myself listening to podcasts, reading books, watching documentaries & looking into online courses to learn more. This is my passion & I want to help you to get more of the best parts of the plant-based diet onto your families plates, especially your kids. Not only is eating a plant-based diet better for your body, but its also better for the planet. We only have one planet & it is on its knees… After having children, this has become more important to me & if I can not only give them a good start to life with the right foods, I want to help save the planet too!!!

I have come up with quick & easy ways to sneak extra veggies into your families meals, meal prep ideas to stop you getting take away’s last minute, & fast/cheap plant based, yet flexible recipes that you can also cook with your children, & I want to share them with you.

In this blog, you will find simple, tasty vegetable packed recipes, that will nourish your body as well as how this will be sustainable for our plant. +

Thanks for stopping by…


Where the magic happens

More often then not, you’ll find me & my kids in the kitchen preparing meals together! We love to create new recipes & enjoy yummy healthy food!

Where you can find me!

When I’m not in the kitchen, you can find me spending time with my children! I love sharing my recipes on Instagram, so be sure to connect with me there!